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You can meet people who don't think you're crazy for wanting to ride your bike to South America or Africa or across Asia, or even around the world! Admit it, all your 'normal' friends and most of your family fears for your sanity! So, this is your opportunity to meet the people who will encourage you in that craziness, share their experiences and advice on how to do it, and maybe you'll meet them again in Mongolia or Timbuktu!
My only problem is that I simply can't get to every talk I want, such is the amount of terrific presentations on offer. Each year I've been astonished at how articulate, intelligent, informative and entertaining the speakers are. I'm willing to help with anything that doesn't keep me from a talk - and my timetable will be full to bursting!
The plan is simple. Show up on Thursday or at the latest Friday afternoon, meet people and setup. Travel Presentations and Tech seminars are planned throughout the meeting, starting Thursday night.
More Detailed Schedule here. We can always use some help! If you want to assist, please sign up to volunteer to assist on the day or here for advance work or to ask questions. Tunisia Tech session. Off-road - we could use some help - any ideas, locations, routes, off-road tracks? All rides are "register on the day. First in best dressed. We're looking for Travel Equipment vendors to come and display your products, and sell as well.