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DE FR. Strangeness is everywhere, but strangers are only where we define them. Confronting the public with the heroism of the other underscores the vanity of warfare. Symbolical transplants have become a popular artistic strategy, its often utopian scope notwithstanding. In Manaf Halbouni installed three busses vertically in the center of Dresden, symbolically transplanting barricades from Syrian battlefields. Other artistic concepts use transplants literally not to mention body extensions from Stellarc to Orlan.
Symbolic transplants reach beyond political art, probably going back to prehistoric swapping rituals. They also can be found in bizarre s sexual therapy, including bourgeois wife-swapping and swinging practices. Reality-TV shows invite two families to swap family members for a week—the idea being that the chosen families are from different social strata or ethnic backgrounds.
The point of drumming the confrontation machine is to deal with the particular other, not with the general other.
The Hot Chick and Switch introduce gender swaps to the transplant genre. Then we have ego-centered transplants: teenager swaps bodies with an older self 13 Going on 30 , ; Big , or vice versa 17 Again , Science-fiction movies play out the transplanting of minds and bodies by technological means. Abonnieren Sie diaphanes als Magazin und lesen Sie weiter in diesem und weiteren Artikeln online. Sind Sie bereits Abonnent? Dann melden Sie sich hier an:.