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They ranged from ten to sixteen years old at the time of the first apparition. There have also been continued reports of the visionaries seeing and receiving messages from the apparition of Our Lady during the years since.
The seers often refer to the apparition as the " Gospa ", which is a Croatian archaism for lady. On 13 May , Pope Francis declared that the original visions reported by the teenagers are worth studying in more depth, while the subsequently continued visions over the years are, in his view, of dubious value. This was made official with the celebration of a youth festival among pilgrims and Catholic clergy in Medjugorie for five days in August At the time of the apparitions, the village of Medjugorje was in Bosnia and Herzegovina , part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , a federation of various Slavic nations.
There were tensions among the nations, exacerbated by religious difference: most Croats are Catholic, most Serbs are Eastern Orthodox, while the Bosnians and Herzegovinians are a mix of the two and included a third group — the Bosnian Muslims. The Albanian anti-Serb riots in Kosovo in were an example of national dissatisfaction.
After Tito's death, the security apparatus enhanced its activities against the perceived "enemies of the state", especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the apparatus was most loyal to Tito. Such activity was especially oriented towards the Catholic Church in Herzegovina. In the s there was a boom of Marian apparitions in Europe, especially in Ireland and Italy. Chris Maunder connects these apparitions, including those in Medjugorje, with the anti-communist movement in Eastern Europe that led to the downfall of communism.