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To browse Academia. Joseph De Rivera. Bonny Ibhawoh. Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh. Kristen Wall. Urszula Lisowska. The paper analyses the possibility of developing the capability approach the CA as political philosophy. Stemming from the simultaneous inquiries of economists such as Amartya Sen and philosophers such as Martha Nussbaum , the CA has always had strong philosophical underpinnings. Yet, in this capacity, the approach is typically concerned with social justice.
A key contemporary issue in International Development lies in questioning the adequacy for using the Capability Approach in differentiated cultural contexts. This paper argues that the socio-historical construction of the Capability Approach has been mostly embedded in liberalism and individualism — which led to the acceptance and use of the concept in the Western world but also beyond, in differentiated contexts where the sole actions of individuals are explored as if they showed and revealed the full extent of the influence of social institutions or external circumstances.
As a result, neglecting the cultural aspects and the institutional factors shaping motivations highlights a consequent gap in the capability space which is illustrated in this paper through the case study of Kathmandu urban slums.
However, reasons for valuing a certain life over another engage with broader processes at the collective level. Consequently, approaches to tailoring the concept of capability to different strands of International Development and Development Studies may encompass a common bias — a bias relating to the socio-historical construction of a concept which, in spite of its apparent generalizability, presents a range of risks as to how collective norms, identities and belief systems are incorporated in defining the lives people value and how they achieve to arrange these lives for themselves.