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Please complete the process by verifying your email address. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. Some features on this site require a subscription. Each is a special kind of hellhole to me Strip malls, fast food, shotgun homes, white trash I guess that would define most of America outside the big cities. Some of them are in permanent vegetative states, for years, and have no visitors.
This is what happens when people won't accept the reality that their loved ones are dying and any further medical intervention is futile. They want "everything done" so this is where the person ends up that doesn't die technically. They would be better off dead. But no, they have to survive years and years of this torture, maybe succumbing to sepsis from bed sores or an infection in the tube or lungs or the internal organs eventually fail Wildomar really freaked me out, they all seem like places you would be murdered or abducted or possibly a Hills Have Eyes type situation Augusta, Georgia.
Scorching hot and malarial humidity in the summer, downwind from the stench of a paper mill, blighted buildings all over, and racist trash. Even the natives call it Disgusta. A horrible town on the Pacific coast of Washington state, below the Olympic Peninsula, called Aberdeen--it's the hometown of Kurt Cobain, and you instantly can tell why his music was so depressing and why he got the hell out of there as fast as he could.