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Traveling to Bosnia Herzegovina means you need to check beforehand the visa policy for this country. A visa policy details all the requirements any traveler would need in case they need a visa to enter the destination. The Bosnia Herzegovina visa policy has all the details you need for your next journey to this European country. According to the Bosnia Herzegovina visa policy, most countries need to apply for a visa at any Bosnia Herzegovina diplomatic mission in order to enter the country, unless you belong to the list of visa-free countries.
Aside from the Schengen zone, Bosnia Herzegovina has international agreements with other countries to allow free entry to a group of nationalities located in different continents. In many cases, it allows free entry for up to 90 days within a 6-month period. In case you would like to stay longer, you will likely need to apply for a visa in that case.
There is an exception with citizens from Russia and Ukraine because they can only stay up to 30 days in Bosnia Herzegovina without a visa. On the other hand, you could need a specific type of visa depending on the activities you would like to do in Bosnia Herzegovina, such as tourism, business, or study. Also, you need to check how long you would like to stay in Bosnia Herzegovina to see if the visa you want allows that stay.
Immigration authorities classify visas as short-term or long-term. Learn all about the Bosnia Herzegovina visa policy below as we develop all the details you may need for your next trip. If you want to visit Bosnia Herzegovina, you may need a tourist visa to have a smooth entry.