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This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. But Bosnian women work. We should help the women of Kabul. Bosniak women are an inspiration for women all over the world. Still, women hold themselves back—women themselves! And how do I know how to do the job? This was the first such attempt at bringing citizens together across ethnic lines since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in Paris six months earlier.
I was wrong. At a conceptual level, the women were correct in asserting how critical they were to the postwar transformation that lay ahead. Their importance was at least threefold: They held key jobs as professionals and academics, exerted great influence on their families at home, and one in five actually headed a household. But the women were right in another sense as well. The grand optimism of their conference title was matched by their determination to turn rhetoric into reality.
Many delegates made their way across illegal military checkpoints from Republika Srpska, risking retribution against themselves and their already traumatized families.
Clearly these were women with a mission, embracing the huge problems staring them in the face. In doing so, they were transforming themselves—from victims, into healers. For all the frustration that comes along with mending of a war-wrecked society, in my dealings with hundreds of Bosnians I saw how those who felt themselves engaged and acting with purpose had the greatest opportunity for joy, however minute or grand. But she goes further to apply the principle to stabilizing a fragile post-conflict situation.