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The list of complainants in the European Commission's charge sheet, which includes companies not directly involved in the charges around Google's shopping service, would make it easier for the regulator to expand the case beyond its preliminary focus on price-comparison shopping sites.
Being an official party to the case gives the companies an insider track on the regulatory proceedings as they will be able to get a copy of the detailed EU charge sheet and argue their case at a hearing of competition experts should Google ask for one.
While around 30 firms have since gone public with their complaints, to date no one other than the EU enforcer and Google knows exactly which parties have been included as official complainants on the charge sheet.
According to one of the sources, those parties include French legal search engine eJustice including 1plusV which runs the Ejustice. The list also includes online mapping providers Euro-Cities, Hot-map and Streetmap, Italian news aggregator nnpt.