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To browse Academia. Edson Bolfe. Danielle Piuzana Mucida. Fragmentation of natural areas alters the natural landscape, removing native vegetation and creating an anthropic matrix.
The vegetation of the study area was identified as arboreal forest , or herbaceous or shrubby campo rupestre by visual classification of a mosaic of aerial photographs from and the supervised classification of land use from a Landsat 8 image from The results indicate the conversion of arboreal vegetation area into areas of exotic herbaceous vegetation, and stability in the area of shrubby vegetation.
It is estimated that more than half of Brazilian pastures have some level of degradation. In this study, we mapped and evaluated the spatiotemporal dynamics of pasture quality in Brazil, between and , considering three classes of degradation: Absent D0 , Intermediate D1 , and Severe D2. There was no variation in the total area occupied by pastures in the evaluated period, in spite of the accentuated spatial dynamics. However, about 44 Mha of the pasture area is currently severely degraded.
The dynamics in pasture quality were not homogeneous in property size classes. We observed that in the approximately 2. Oliver Chadwick. Although pasture degradation has been a regional concern in Amazonian ecosystems, our ability to characterize and monitor pasture degradation under different environmental and human-related conditions is still limited. Six pasture greenness classes showed that high greenness pasture classes dominated in young pastures, while low greenness pasture classes were least common.