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To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Unfollow Follow Unblock. Other Affiliations:. The Caribbean Review of Gender Studies stimulates cross-cultural exchanges among Caribbean peoples within the region, The journal is established around an identity and voice emanating from Caribbean realities of power in gender, ethnicity and class relations, and their effects.
The journal welcomes critical disciplinary or multi-disciplinary scholarly articles and creative contributions that broaden networks and enhance the global understanding and reach of Caribbean feminist theory and praxis. The Caribbean Review of Gender Studies stimulates cross-cultural exchanges among Caribbean peoples within the region, those in the Caribbean Diaspora, as well as those who bring a comparative perspective to bear on Caribbean gender and feminist concerns.
Call for Submissions: Issue on Teaching Feminisms more. Teaching should be a liberatory act says noted Black feminist intellectual and feminist pedagogue bell hooks in Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. Over the last few decades, feminist theorizing has been a Neo-liberal educational reforms have however ruptured ideas of teaching and learning as necessarily emancipatory.
We are now living in a climate where education is largely a profit-driven endeavour, where primacy is given to skill development at the expense of critical thinking, and where independent ideas that challenge the status quo are seen as inimical to the profit economy. Under the neo-liberal order, pedagogy and teaching practice are primarily about meeting market demands, and less about emboldening learners to transform inequitable power relations that pervade society.