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Phelps, one of the many national movers and shakers who have quietly ensconced themselves into the South Coast way of life. Phelps, while hardly a household name, is the head of Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. CALPIRG — and its more recent descendant, Environment Now — has served as a boot-camp training ground for young, idealistic, and for the most part college-educated organizers who learned the ABCs of knocking on doors, walking precincts, making phone calls, and asking for money. When Biden came to Santa Barbara two years ago, his official plane was struck by local water fowl, thus precipitating an environmentally messy chain of events.
Because the Goleta Slough has functioned as an attractive nuisance to gathering birds, airport officials have sought to bulldoze an opening through the accumulation of sand berming the water in.
This has triggered an outcry from environmentalists concerned that so doing could create problems for endangered species like the tidewater goby that rely on the slough remaining closed off. The status of the goby is now the subject of some controversy, as well, as federal authorities are pushing to downgrade its listing from endangered to merely threatened.
Thomas had been nominated by President George Bush to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Thurgood Marshall. Thomas came into the hearings with an exceptionally low rating by the American Bar Association, so among his supporters, his character became his chief selling point.