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Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article. At least some were last verified for version 1. Brazil has the following special journal entries , events and decisions. Always enabled:. Enabled if: Does not have Free Trade. This journal entry is available to any country that owns a valid state, but certain aspects are available only to Brazil. Enabled if: Has Electrical Generation.
Enabled if: Always. Enabled if: Brazil has embraced Integralism. Forum list Trending Latest New posts. Paradox Wikis. Victoria 3 Wiki. Active Wikis. Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit Edit source View history. From Victoria 3 Wiki. Ragamuffin War. Flavor text: "Their faces were molded into expressions of victory and tiredness.
Like smudged figures in a canvas, they resembled men of the past. In a time of dreamless apathy and defeated nations, they still fought. And won. We will have our revenge. Peace is the better option. Flavor text: "Men!
I need not tell you what a great victory this is. But the dreams of your beautiful wives and little sweets must wait. The rebel has escaped upstream, and he will fight until old age takes his fingers. Our new orders are thus: should they hide behind trees, we will burn them down. Should they hide behind tall walls without toe holds, we will pile their dead and climb them. Leave no stone unturned, no grass untrod. Flavor text: "General, my men have fought hard and bravely.