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Amazon Prime X-Ray is a feature that displays information about actors in a scene, music being played in the soundtrack, and offers exclusive bonus content and trivia. When a viewer is watching The Boys , this trivia can supply canonical information that is not present in the actual plot but was developed by writers to build the world of Vought and its heroes.
Mother's Milk is referring to Episode , when Butcher compared how, just like the Spice Girls, The Boys didn't work well individually, but as a team they were gold. Butcher used the Spice Girls as a comparison because they were Becca 's favorite. Mother's Milk is referring to the tracking chips that Vought implanted in all of its Superheroes , so they'll always know where they are.
Considering the amount of money Vought has Invested in their Supes, it's no surprise. Mother's Milk is right! According to microbiologist Dr. Dave Westenberg, our clothes are constantly picking up microbes from every surface they touch, so supplying those microbes with nutrients by wiping food from our hands onto our clothes only adds fuel to the fire!
Seth : "Yeah, that's code for 'She fucking hated it. Seth is right! It's Hollywood code for "hated it"! Ryan is referring to the last time he and Homelander saw each other in Season 2, Episode 8, right after Ryan mutilated Stormfront , the love of Homelander's life, with his laser eyes.