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Published by Townsend Duryea, Adelaide, Contact seller. From Australia to U. Quantity: 1. Adelaide, Townsend Duryea, [printed circa ; original negative circa ]. The portrait, taken in Duryea's Adelaide studio, shows Stuart after his epic crossing of the continent of Australia: he is visibly depleted - emaciated even - with his injured hand positioned awkwardly in his lap.
The accident that caused this permanent injury occurred on 25 October , the day the main party of the successful sixth expedition departed Adelaide.
Stuart later described it in a letter to Charles Sturt: 'the accident I received from one of the horses being in a state of strangulation and endeavoured to release him, reared up, struck me in the temple, knocked me senseless and springing again with his hind feet on my right hand, has disabled me for life' Ian Mudie: 'The Heroic Journey of John McDouall Stuart', , page It is a most evocative image of the great explorer towards the end of his life. This particular imprint dates to around see Noye , and the negative number is consistent with this date.
Noye notes that 'A carte with a number belonging to a much earlier number range would be a reprint from an old negative held in storage'; this suggests that this photograph is not printed from the original negative perhaps lost, damaged or destroyed. This further suggests that this photograph is printed from a negative produced by rephotographing an existing print of the portrait of Stuart taken earlier by Duryea.