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A man with six wives has revealed he plans to have a baby with each of his spouses through surrogacy so that none of them feel left out. At his peak, the influencer, who boasts , followers, had a total of nine wives — but suffered heartbreak last year when he divorced three of them.
But, Arthur hopes to expand his family by adding kids to the mix, which he and his wives will have through surrogacy so he doesn't make any of his partners 'upset. Arthur O Urso, 37, from Brazil, has six wives and has revealed he plans to have a baby with each of his spouses.
The influencer pictured with four of his wives, Luana, Emelly, Amanda and Karol frequently makes headlines for his controversial marriages. He once had a total of nine wives — but suffered heartbreak last year when he divorced three of them pictured with his first wife, Luana, Arthur - who has a year-old daughter from a previous relationship - noted that he had never been through 'anything like this.
And because he currently has a daughter, he hopes to welcome a son next. While he wants to have a child with each of his wives, he's planning on using his first wife, Luana's, egg, for initial implantation. He said: 'In the beginning, it was a very delicate subject, especially as I want a child with each of [them]. But, Arthur pictured with Luana, Emelly, Amanda and Karol hopes to expand his family by adding kids to the mix through surrogacy.