Nude women. Swinging in Sao Borja
Local swingers from Sao Borja ready adult channel online AA Swinger Couple lookin for a black male.


See other girls from Brazil: Nude women. Swinging in Araguari, Nude women. Swinging in Penapolis, Nude women. Swinging in Sao Joao del Rei
Another exhibition on an unusual subject that this website likes supporting: this time Brazilian photography, of which I know very little. The feeling I get from the photographs in this posting is of an overwhelming interest in avant-garde, urban photography and humanist photography.
Their force majeure, their irresistible compulsion presence, ritual , composition and complexity stand them head and shoulders above any of the other works in the posting.
Many thankx to the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian for allowing me to publish the photographs in the posting. Please click on the photographs for a larger version of the image. Hans Gunter Flieg Brazilian, b. At the beginning of the s, during the Second World War, Brazil was a destination of choice for thousands of emigrants.
The country went through a unique modernisation process affecting all sectors of Brazilian society. The exhibition explores this extraordinary transformation through the eyes of four photographers with very different styles and sensibilities.