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Liberace Contest Winner. The Escape of Oscar Wilde. My American Boyfriend. My Bulgarian Boyfriend. My Mormon Boyfriend. That huge organ—blaring into the sky Oh Lordy!!! It makes me faint in the knees!!! It makes me lose it—in the holy pews!!! How I lie—through my tacky false teeth How he worships—my hoity-toity smirk!!! Parading around in drag—wearing Angora!!! Time for another—Plan 9 From Outer Space!!!
No more nelly Ed Wood Jr. Fuck Bela Lugosi—Bride of the Monster yuk!!! Time to resurrect—Charlton Heston again!!! Poor famished creatures—craven Californians!!! Translating California You'll love Hollywood!!! Edwina Schwarzenegger—and Robin Hood!!! The weather is sunny—despite the smoggy shit Especially in May—cold-blooded Mormons love it!!! You'll love Norma Desmond—what a fucking dame!!!
Talk about Sunset Boulevard—kept men so tame!!! Dead bodies in swimming pools—like William Holden Floating face-downwards—still quite glib and golden!!! Welcome to California—Hollywood Babylon Boy!!! Welcome to California—get here before we sink!!!
Flying Male Nude. Preordained with perverse—Porky Pig stories? Harlequin novel stereotypes—make me puke!!! Madame Tiresias. One week in bed. Two doctors in. Three painkillers four times a day. No wonder I was indignant—like Juno My husband Tiresias—bragging about having The best of both worlds—cruising about The gymnasiums and dark porticoes While at the same time—enjoying the fruits Of those ruttish daughters—of the Sun and Penetrating the—sacred gynaceum where Not a single prick—of Eros was permitted Was I not the authentic—Mrs.