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Featured stories. Activity feed. African American. Asian American. Coming of Age. Creative Nonfiction. East Asian. High School. Historical Fiction. Middle School. People of Color. Science Fiction. Urban Fantasy. We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Submitted by writers on Reedsy Prompts to our weekly writing contest.
From the thrill of a first date to a snapshot tour through an entire relationship, our collection of romantic short stories will give you everything your heart desires. Jen lived by the unwritten rules of being single but wanting a child. A nearby suitor could be eyeing you up, biting their bottom lip at the sight of your untoned bum, lusting after your wide midriff, admiring your conical legs. They could be subconsciously sliding you through their mental mold of their dream woman, seeing you slot in j On my last shift as a lighthouse keeper, I climbed the seventy-six spiral iron stairs and two ladders to the watch room, the number of steps the same as my age.
The thwomp and snare of each step laid an ominous background score. At that very moment, Richie Tedesco was pointing a fire extinguisher at the burning electrical panel in the engine room of his boat a few miles offshore. Thursday, Jan 18 PMTo: eliserhodes elliott.
I write to you today to express my sincerest compliments on Bill will be joining me soon as he always does these mornings—we both have been retired for about 20 years and we love talking about the good old days and spinning yarns. He was a fire fighter, I was a medical device research guy; we enjoy sharing the things that happened on the job. Speaking of Bill, here he is now.