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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Hist orical Diction ar y of b ulg aria. Slovakia, by Stanislav J.
Netherlands, by Arend H. Huussen Jr. Gilbert and K. Robert Nilsson. Belgium, by Robert Stallaerts. Austria, by Paula Sutter Fichtner. Turkey, 2nd edition, by Metin Heper. Portugal, 2nd edition, by Douglas L. Poland, 2nd edition, by George Sanford. Albania, New edition, by Robert Elsie. Estonia, by Toivo Miljan. Kosova, by Robert Elsie. Ukraine, by Zenon E. Kohut, Bohdan Y.
Nebesio, and MyroslavYurkevich. D48 There was more. The author. This was not the first time for such an occurrence. Certainly, it has achieved more than some other EastEuropean countries, and although there is still much to be accomplished,it does have notable achievements to its credit. Thosewho want to know more can—and should—consult the very substantialbibliography.
Fortunately, hisix. Detrez also teaches Balkan history at theCatholic University in Leuven. The result isa second edition that is even more complete, more up-to-date, and moreuseful than the first. Second half: first clashes with the Romans. The capital is Pliska. Christianity becomes the state religion. Preslavfalls in The Ottoman Empire isforced for the first time to cede territories in Europe. Botev is killed. King Alexander is forced to abdicate and is kidnapped.