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The disputes generally centre on what should be counted as a building or a tower , and what is being measured. In terms of absolute height, the tallest structure is currently the Burj Dubai , followed by dozens of radio and television broadcasting towers which measure over metres about 2, feet in height.
There is, however, some debate about:. Filed under: Technology Leave a comment ». Tourist InformationVisa can be obtained at the following points of entry:. Important: In order to be admitted into the country, tourists need sufficient funds for their stay and a return ticket. Visa ExemptionThe nationals of the Philippines and Malaysia do not need a tourist visa and many stay in Cambodia for 21 and 30 days respectively.
NoteA tourist visa can be extended only once for up to one month single entry. ClimateThe country has a tropical climate-warm and humid. In the monsoon season, abundant rain allows for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops. This year-round tropical climate makes Cambodia ideal for developing tourism.
Travelers need not fear natural disasters such as erupting volcanoes or earthquakes, and the country is not directly affected by tropical storms. Cambodia can be visited throughout the year. However those planning to travel extensively by road should avoid the last two months of the rainy season when some countryside roads may be impassable. The climate distinguished by four major seasons.