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Speeding along the two-lane blacktop on my driver's motorbike through five miles of Third World suburbia, my curiosity starts to flag. I'm on my way to see K11, a place of hearsay from the sleazier alcoholics I've met in backpacker Southeast Asia. Like scenes on the Thai and Vietnamese borders, I expect to see flashing lights and towering casinos amidst the squalor of shantytown Cambodia. But tonight there are no decadent street scenes, no overly made-up girls swinging handbags under street lamps for passing scooters and cars.
In fact, the area around this notorious underground haunt is a ghost town. I couldn't imagine being here without a chaperone. K11 is in the village of Svay Pak, its name derived from its kilometer distance from downtown Phnom Penh.
Its birth was timed with the reopening of the country a decade ago. It's been the site of some of Cambodia's highest-profile child-prostitution cases. Although most of the prosecuted have paid their way out of the porous Cambodian legal system, pressure is now building to extradite captured K11 patrons to their home countries. Police sporadically put the clamps down on the neighborhood, but this has only pushed the trade deeper into the shadows and barricaded it behind thicker padlocks.
Put off by my Khmer companion's earnest nonchalance and the campfire-lit streets, I decide to call the operation off. But Mr. Yo, my driver for the night and the concierge of my guesthouse, rebuffs the request to turn back. He assures me that Svay Pak isn't just for foreigners, but for locals as well.