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To browse Academia. Syafruddin Karimi. Stephen R. Hydroelectric dams produce electricity, provide flood control, and improve agricultural irrigation. But the building and operation of these dams frequently involve forced displacement of local communities. Displacement often has an outsized impact on indigenous persons, who are disproportionately poor, repressed, and politically marginalized.
One can limit these adverse effects in various ways: 1 taking seriously the ethics of dam-induced development, 2 rooting out corruption, 3 paying compensation at or near the beginning of dam projects, 4 using land-for-land exchanges, 5 disbursing resettlement funds as needed until displaced persons are firmly established in their new locations, and 6 having entities that loan money to foreign governments for power dams insist that a percentage of the loan be sequestered to cover compensation and resettlement costs.
This sextet of sensible measures must, however, be applied to highly different countries and indigenous persons. This a Phimthong Kouangpalath. Andy Norton. The Kotapanjang Dam project, in the Sumatra Island of Indonesia, has been criticized in that it created many problems for resettled families. Affected families filed a lawsuit in Indonesian and Japanese courts.
The authors conducted a field survey in four resettlement villages to evaluate the resettlement scheme applied. The survey revealed that living conditions of two villages were significantly improved after resettlement. The condition of another village was fairly improved, although there was room for further improvements. In yet another village, while many people experienced a decrease in income and hardship after the resettlement, other indicators of quality of life suggested improvements.