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After the inauguration, Widodo capped his remarkable rise from an upbringing in a riverside slum by travelling through the streets of the capital Jakarta in a horse-drawn carriage, with tens of thousands of supporters cheering and shouting his name. Widodo, a year-old former furniture exporter known by his nickname Jokowi,wonthepresidency in July after a close race against controversial exgeneral Prabowo Subianto.
TheformerJakartagovernor, who won legions of Laignee Barron LoNG considered the friendlier and less exploitative option for overseas Cambodianmigrants,South koreaisnowbeingslammed by Amnesty International for a number of abuses afflicting its migrant-dominated agriculture sector.
Employers struggling to find national workers can hire foreigners through the government-run system from 15 Asian countries, the topsendersbeingCambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia, according to government immigration statistics. Under an agreement signed last month, asylum seekers on Nauru found to be genuine refugees — who have been told they will never be allowed to settle on the Australian mainland — will be given the choice to relocate to Cambodia instead, with resettlement costs to be met by Australian taxpayers.
But Interior Ministry spokesman khieu Sopheak made it clearyesterdaythatthegovernment would not be pulling its punches with the refugees aboutlifeinCambodia,leading observers to question whether itsprofesseddesiretoengagein onsecondthought Under the permit system, South Korea allows migrant workers to switch jobs a maximum of three times, though any change eliminates the possibility of a coveted, nearly five-year visa extension.