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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Preview improvements coming to the PMC website in October Learn More or Try it out now. The data on which this article is based cannot be shared publicly because the informed consent obtained from respondents did not specify that data would be made publicly available and the public availability of data would compromise the privacy of respondents. In Siem Pang, northeastern Cambodia, malaria transmission persists in remote forested areas populated by ethnic minorities.
Engaging affected communities in health education campaigns is challenging due to language, access and literacy constraints. During , a newly established medical research station conducted a health education programme in local villages harnessing traditional songs, arts and crafts, along with theatre, comedy and health talks and quizzes. Health education topics were proposed by community leaders and focused on maternal and child health and malaria.
This article describes a process evaluation of these activities, the community's response and whether this was an appropriate form of health education in this context.
In-depth interviews were conducted with community members, leaders and performers. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and translated to English for thematic analysis. In total, 65 interviews were conducted; 20 of these were follow-up interviews with respondents interviewed prior to the performances. Respondents were able to recall the key health messages about malaria, antenatal care and infant vaccination. They also showed good awareness of malaria transmission and prevention and described how they enjoyed the events and appreciated the efforts of the project team.