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Removing the keyring of jiggers, wafers and bump keys from his pocket, Mac walked to the rear of the Toyota and released the boot lid on the second try. Letting it ride up a few inches, Mac pulled off his cap, bounced up the front steps and pushed into the yellow glow of the office, which consisted of a counter looking over a chess-board marble parquetry floor in what had been in the s the grand foyer of a mansion.
A man sat at a desk behind the counter, watching a Thai game show where money was poured from the ceiling onto hysterical contestants. Green Toyota? The manager circled behind Mac, shining the flashlight into the interior of the car. Standing in the darkness of the baggage room adjacent to the foyer, Mac waited as Grimshaw stalked downstairs, his voice suspicious. As the voices trailed into the forecourt, Mac opened the door, checked for eyes and sprinted up the mahogany stairs three at a time.
Rounding the first-floor landing, he walked past a hall desk with a Lalique vase, along the runners of Thai silk carpets, and found room 3. The management had installed new German deadlocks in the old doors and, casing the hallway, he pulled out his keyring and sorted through the Schlage section until he found one that looked the money — a Schlage five-pin. Inserting it, Mac held his breath and listened for any movement from the other side of the door, his temples pounding.
Hearing nothing, he pulled back slowly on the bump key until he felt the slight vibration of the key allowing the last pin to slip back into place. He jiggled the key side to side in a quick but light action, the lock made a sound like a mouse scuttling and the key turned. Pushing into the fully lit suite, Mac let the door close behind him. Mac moved quickly around the suite, looking for bags and backpacks.