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To browse Academia. Patrick Spedding. In this essay, I identify five ornaments omitted by Richard Goulden, in his Ornament Stock of Henry Woodfall , listing works which contain these ornaments.
This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. Till Dembeck. Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design, ed.
Jonathan Massey. Whether on clothing, furnishings, buildings, or even culinary dishes, ornament has often marked membership in particular grades and segments of society. It has distinguished sacred from profane, aristocrat from commoner, male from female, tribesman from stranger, high caste from low. Ornament is a relational device that differentiates and associates things and people, frequently marking social status by signaling affiliations and distinctions. Ornament orders. Captain Cassius Kolkhaun.
Illuminating Metalwork: metal, object and image in medieval manuscripts. Joseph Salvatore Ackley and Shannon L. Nancy K. Like other luxury objects, whether made for liturgical or personal use, medieval illuminated manuscripts were often adorned with gold, silver, and other metals. When given the opportunity to turn the leaves of manuscripts, we get a privileged hint of the lived visual experiences of medieval viewers and users: the subtle radiance of metallic paint, the flash and brilliance of burnished gold leaf, and the shifting glints of light that vary according to how those metals have been embellished.