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S tatistics recently gathered from villages in different parts of Cambodia suggest that women, including tens of thousands of widows, comprise a disproportionate majority of the labour force—in some places up to two-thirds—and at least fifty-five per cent of the overall population.
This demographic imbalance, heavily concentrated amongst the younger adults, poses major problems for people struggling to regain normality in their lives.
Moreover it adds significantly to the stresses and responsibilities traditionally borne by Khmer women. From numerous interviews in various regions, a picture emerges of the centrality of women in the survival and reconstruction of Cambodian society. Historically, Khmer women were systematically devalued as inferior beings while at the same time being assigned a much heavier share of labour, domestically and in the rice fields.
From birth a girl was often looked down upon as a burden to the family. A Khmer girl was proverbially compared to a piece of cotton wool; a boy, to a diamond. If a diamond is dropped in the mud, it can be picked up and washed as clean as before, but cotton wool, once it has fallen into mud, can never be restored to its original purity, no matter how much cleaning is done.