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This section of vocabulary is good for coming, going, and making a good impressions. When you speak Khmer with Cambodian bar girls, as with anyone, being nice goes a long way, so it pays to make the effort. It seems as though almost every bar in Phnom Penh has a pool table. It always makes it a bit more interesting to make a few comments to your female pool opponent when you play. You may even understand some of what she is saying to you; a super bonus if your girl of choice does not speak a lick of English.
If you plan to take a girl out of a hostess bar on a barfine, it is well advised to talk money in advance. Prices, and expectations vary wildly and you could wind up in a sticky situation at the end of the evening if you and your lady have different ideas about how much she should be paid.
Be sure to speak Khmer with Cambodian bar girls to make sure they understand. If you find rhyming cockney slang confusing and generally annoying, then brace yourself for this wacky Khmer variant.
Cambodian people believe that it is incredibly clever, and amusing, to re-arrange the syllables of common phrases. Accordingly, when a foreigner does it, it is all the more entertaining. It is highly recommended to use this slang when you try to speak with Cambodian bar girls as it may likely result in confusion at first, then rolls of giggles once they figure out what you are saying.