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In einer Studie mit hypothetischen Szenarien wurde analysiert, wann sich welche Option eher lohnt. Zum Teil scheint ein direkter Zusammenhang mit der Schlafapnoe zu bestehen. Medpedia Podcast. Newsletter Abo-Shop. Springer Medizin. BMC Infectious Diseases. While community-based services have been recognized as an integral component of HIV response in Cambodia, their role and effectiveness in ART delivery have yet to be systematically assessed. Methods We will conduct this quasi-experimental study in 20 ART clinics across the capital city and nine provinces between May and April Study sites were purposively selected based on the availability of implementing partners, the number of people living with HIV each clinic serves, and the accessibility of the clinics.
The primary outcomes will be retention in care, viral load suppression, and adherence to ART. We will compare the outcome indicators within each arm at baseline, midline, and endline using descriptive and inferential statistics.
We will evaluate the differences between the intervention and control arms using the difference-in-differences method. We will perform economic evaluations to determine if the intervention is cost-effective.
Discussion This study will build the evidence base for future implementation and scale-up of CAD model in Cambodia and other similar settings. Furthermore, it will strengthen engagements with community stakeholders and further improve community mobilization, a vital pillar of the Cambodian HIV response. Trial registration ClinicalTrials. Registered 23 February , Version 1. Additional file 1. Additional file 2. ART Antiretroviral therapy.