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This article is a list of quotes, that characters recite from time to time, from the fifth Zombies map Kino der Toten. Call of Duty Wiki Explore. Characters Perks Maps Gametypes Killstreaks.
Multiplayer Weapons in Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account? Sign In Register. Sign in to edit. History Talk No power! Look's like there ain't no power. We need to get the power on. How original. This ain't cuddle time!
Not a chance, stumpy! You need to learn when to die! You're dead already! Haven't lost a touch! What else would I do?! No dinner. Right in the head! Fuck me that smells!
What time you got there? Oh ho ho, sorry. Blew that clean off. Laughs " — Upon shooting a zombie's limb. Sounds like we got some new friends coming to the party! Now what!? Lay off the sauerkraut, man! Those things need to see the sunshine every once in a while! It just blew them all over the place! That was bad-ass! What a blast! Batteries not included. Feel it, meat-sacks! Two of my favourite things. Your worst nightmare! That shit is far out, man. Laughs " — Upon getting a kill with a Ray Gun.