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Annual Meeting Recordings are now available for purchase Index of Handouts. Exposure to neighborhood poverty and drinking patterns over five years Katherine J. Modeling US county premature mortality James L. Wilson, Ph. Louis ; Laura W. Louis Operations ; Amanda S. Does selection of foods in the school cafeteria by year olds translate into consumption? Results of a cafeteria observation study Susan M. What's your ROI? Love Me, Parents! Does place matter for healthy early child environments? Correlation of high impact flood zones with population health outcomes Gale A.
Jordan, M. Environmental safety and health training: Models to address occupational health disparities and environmental justice Sharon D. Combating bed bug resurgence through better detection and control strategies Changlu Wang, Ph. Effectiveness of a workplace oral health promotion intervention program on oral health status for employees in Taiwan Tzu-Hsien Lin, Ph.
Ciesla, Ph. Association between hazardous drinking and exposure to community violence in the U. Ethics, intersectionality and community participation in action research with Inuit youth on violence and mental health Marika Morris, Ph.
Burns School of Medicine. Environmental Health Literacy: What does it mean to you? Marti Lindsey, Ph. Siebert, M. Postpartum contraceptive behavior and delay of a second pregnancy among teen mothers in the Subsequent Pregnancy Program Pat W. Mosena, PhD , Options for Youth. Determining community wellbeing priorities through academia-public health linkages Lauren Wallar , University of Guelph ; Andrew Papadopoulos , University of Guelph.