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Request Checked Items. The majority of the papers represent French writers, musicians, and artists of the late 19th and early 20th century, though included are earlier materials, such as letters from the era of Napoleon. Researchers must create an online Research Account and agree to the Materials Use Policy before using archival materials.
Use Policies: Ransom Center collections may contain material with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations. Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in the collections without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications e.
Restrictions on Use: Authorization for publication is given on behalf of the University of Texas as the owner of the collection and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder which must be obtained by the researcher.
Digitized sound recordings are available for this collection. Click here to explore. Biographical Sketch Over a period of six decades, Carlton Lake gathered together what has become the most extensive collection of modern French literary research materials anywhere outside of Paris. Carlton Lake was born in Brockton, Massachusetts on September 7, He attended Boston University and graduated summa cum laude in , and in received a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University. Marine Corps. After the war, he pursued his doctorate at New York University, but ultimately abandoned his dissertation to become a freelance writer.