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Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. The bulk of this text consists of annotated tables containing names, dates, and ranks achieved of participants in the British Army at the battle of Waterloo. Most entries are accompanied by brief biographical sketches. The notes follow each table, as printed. Hyperlinks are provided which allow the reader to handily inspect each note. The footnotes to the prefatory material, and to the headings of many tables, originally appeared as an asterisk.
These have been re-sequenced from A to W and appear after the paragraph where they are referenced. The cover image has been modified to include the title and author, and, as amended, is added to the public domain.
Time does not diminish the interest of Waterloo, for that combat of giants is indissolubly connected with Napoleon—the greatest master of the art of war the world has ever known. Since the publication of my Roll Call in , I have received much additional information from the relatives of Waterloo officers. This has enabled me to bring out the present revised and enlarged edition.
And I wish particularly to mention that many of the obituary notices of Waterloo officers given in the following pages were collected by the late Mr. Never since the days of Oliver Cromwell had any name caused so much fear in England as did that of Napoleon Bonaparte.