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Colorado is an amazing place for enjoying nature and the outdoors. Some folks like to take it a step further by enjoying nudity in the great outdoors. If your looking for places that allow you to take it all off, look no further. We're checking out seven locations in the Centennial State that offer clothing-optional activities. Colorado's Indecent Exposure Law makes public nudity illegal in our state.
Exposure is a Class 1 Misdemeanor in Colorado , and if convicted you could face fines and jail time. Your best bet for taking it all off without consequences would be to visit one of several places in Colorado that allows for clothing-optional activities like soaking and swimming in a pool or hot spring or taking the next step by visiting a clothing-optional resort in Colorado.
Today we are looking at seven locations that allow guests to go clothing-optional. With over 90 thermal hot springs in Colorado , 7 does seem like a small number.
While some hot springs may offer clothing-optional hours from time to time, the locations below hang their hat on their clothing-free option. Keep going to find out where they are. Mountain Air Ranch has been known as Colorado's nudist resort for several decades. While they call themselves a family-friendly resort, the FAQ section on their website might make you blush.