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Seth: Hey Greg, why don't you go piss your pants again? Greg the Soccer Player: That was, like, 8 years ago, asshole! Seth: People don't forget! Some people just don't have the best fortune. They may have done something really embarrassing or regretful in their past that they're now completely ready to leave behind Once Done, Never Forgotten describes any In-Universe situation where a character has done something in the past that other characters or the universe itself won't let them forget.
The nature of the deed isn't terribly important for the purposes of this trope; it could be anything from downright evil to benign or even funny. Whatever the case may be, the important part is that this deed casts a shadow on the character wherever they go. Once Done, Never Forgotten is a versatile trope, as it can easily be played for drama or humor. When played for drama, the character may have done something unforgivable , and the other characters bring it up constantly to shame and scorn them.
Just as often, however, the trope is Played for Laughs , with old embarrassments being repeatedly brought up for the cast's amusement as well as our own. In comedic examples, the target of the mockery may become The Chew Toy or a Butt-Monkey , and the mockery tends to be more playful and lighthearted than hateful. In less grave examples, the ribbing can even become an Insult of Endearment.
If the incident is mentioned but never elaborated on, it's a Noodle Incident. Compare the out-of-universe variant Never Live It Down , where a character is endlessly mocked by the fandom for a one-time or long-past event. If a show's creators notice fandom mockery of a character and slips it into canon, that's a form of Ascended Meme. As per the definition of this trope, this means In-Universe Examples Only. Advertising In one Capital One commercial, the Grinch volunteers to deliver Christmas presents, but is refused.