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This stocky man, in brown, rubber-soled shoes, gray Dockers and a tan polo shirt, walking across the narrow street from his car, the white Chevy Prism with the cracked windshield, he is a failure.
An abject, wretched failure. And yet he is, incontrovertibly, a winner, a success. He stands there in his wraparound sunglasses and breathes the wet spring air and talks to you about interest rates and square footage and backyard park adjacencies and finished basements in this northern Virginia suburb.
A nice parcel out by Centreville. In Chantilly. Mortgage rates are low. Now is the time to buy. He speaks in a quiet, slow, gravelly voice. You lean in to hear him. His steady monotone wins out over your urge to interrupt. You look at him and you know you know him. He hands you his card. This is an upscale area, he explains, comfortable, a bit pricey perhaps, but great for families. A strong sense of community. He looks at you to see if you recognize the name. He lives with this, a combination of burden and opportunity.
A salesman needs any edge he can get, and he knows that merely being recognized as a former NFL kicker can help win over the husbands but rarely the wives. The wives must be reminded that this is the guy who blew that kick, who, you know, lost that Super Bowl for the Buffalo Bills; then there is understanding and sympathy.