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Select "Full text" to search only the scanned or transcribed text for items. Not all items have full text. JUNE 27, You can secure this from the following Atlanta firms: ; : Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co. Georgia Distributing Co. Atlanta Chemical Co. Smith, Inc. Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. You can get the Calcium Arsenate for approximately seven cents 2 pound. Be a time. Some of it runs below the standard. Tn ee 20 25 26 Geiss he ee giana se The creameries contend that this was done on ac- count of the quality of the cream.
They state that some of the cream was good, some indifferent, and some: bad. Anyone in the business of selling cream should be very particular to keep the quality of their cream up to the best. If varying grades of cream continue in Georgia it will become necessary to establish grades.
Of course if grades are established, the lower grades will not bring as much as the best grades. The farmers can largely correct as themselves by being more partic- ular with their cream. We are constantly taking samples of cream that are sold to the dif- ferent creameries and making reports to the shippers of the cream and to the owners of the creameries. I do not like this cut in the price of cream. It is very hard to make money with cattle.
Have you planted all the feed that your cattle will need this winter? You won't make any money on a dairy if you buy your feed.