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Metrics details. Urinary incontinence UI is highly prevalent and affects the lives of many men and women. We aimed to conduct a qualitative evidence synthesis QES to explore the experience of living with UI and to develop a conceptual model that can help us to understand this experience, and the potential barriers to appropriate healthcare. We used the methods of meta-ethnography developed by Noblit and Hare and recently refined for larger studies.
Meta-ethnography involves identifying concepts from the studies and abstracting these concepts into a line of argument. We searched for studies that explored the experience of adults with UI. We screened titles, abstracts, full texts and included 41 studies 36 unique samples in the synthesis.
We organised the concepts into 26 conceptual categories, which we further abstracted into 6 themes: 1 Am I ill or is this normal? Do I need help or am I managing?
Do I use control strategies that focus on concealing avoid risky situations, wear pads versus, I use strategies that focus on improving the bodily function to improve continence.