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Privacy Terms. Quick links. Today in history Keep it civil. He is hanged for having shot another man during a quarrel The French, at Hochstadt in the War of the Spanish Succession, suffer only 1, casualties to the 11, of their opponents, the Austrians of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.
William Morton in Charleston, Massachusetts. The attack, code named Operation Saar, only penetrated five miles. Army with the same status as other army service corps. Marshals escort James H. Meredith into the University of Mississippi; two die in the mob violence that follows. Born on September 30 William Wrigley, Jr. Merwin, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet.
Pickering Jr. Keating in the movie Dead Poets Society. The Nautilus was constructed under the direction of U. Navy Captain Hyman G. Rickover, a brilliant Russian-born engineer who joined the U. Truman, and on January 21, , first lady Mamie Eisenhower broke a bottle of champagne across its bow as it was launched into the Thames River at Groton, Connecticut. Commissioned on September 30, , it first ran under nuclear power on the morning of January 17, Much larger than the diesel-electric submarines that preceded it, the Nautilus stretched feet and displaced 3, tons.
It could remain submerged for almost unlimited periods because its atomic engine needed no air and only a very small quantity of nuclear fuel. The uranium-powered nuclear reactor produced steam that drove propulsion turbines, allowing the Nautilus to travel underwater at speeds in excess of 20 knots. In its early years of service, the USS Nautilus broke numerous submarine travel records and in August accomplished the first voyage under the geographic North Pole.