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To browse Academia. Christina M Torres. Vera Tiesler. Giulia Dionisio , Tommaso Mori. Artificial cranial modification ACM and trepanation are medical treatments with a long history in many human societies. The Museum has a rich and important collection of medical-related specimens, including human remains and instruments.
Altogether, we investigated the presence of ACM and trepanation in skulls from Peru and associated medical tools. The majority of the osteological remains came from the Lima region and Cuzco.
Among the skulls analyzed, skulls showed ACM. The distribution of these modifications was similar in all age classes; no differences between the sexes were found. However, we found differences in the type of ACM.
Trepanation was found in 12 specimens, mainly from Cuzco. Trepanation was achieved using two methods: scraping and circular grooving. Sixteen instruments related to medical processes were described and studied from the ethnological collection.