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Enter the journal volume and issue numbers in the available fields. See Recent Issues tab for journal details.
Established in , the Journal of the History of Sexuality illuminates the history of sexuality in all its expressions, recognizing various differences of class, culture, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Spanning geographic and temporal boundaries, JHS provides a much-needed forum for historical, critical, and theoretical research in this field. Its cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary character brings together original articles and critical reviews from historians, social scientists, and humanities scholars worldwide.
Rouse by Kelly Marino. Whither Rape in the History of Sexuality? Trip Away the Gay? Allen reviewed by Riley Snorton. Singh reviewed by Brian Lewis. Albert and Patrick Cardon reviewed by Nancy Erber.
French reviewed by Jen Manion. Cott, and Robert O. Self reviewed by Anna Lvosky. Syrett reviewed by John Ibson. Bracewell reviewed by Leigh Ann Wheeler. Lecklider reviewed by Emily K. Hunter Capps. Fellows, Angela J. Smith, and Anna M. Munns reviewed by Nina Kushner. Stephens reviewed by David Imhoof.