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In , with a staggering number of Americans out of work, soup kitchens and private charities overwhelmed, Franklin D. Roosevelt — a leader ready to act — brought the New Deal to the country.
They returned from World War I to a nation so grateful and so prosperous that Congress in voted every doughboy a bonus, payable in But by , in a Depression-racked America, 22, veterans joined ranks to say that they needed the money now. Spend the money before the undertaker gets it. They called themselves the bonus expeditionary force in memory of more triumphal times. A few leaders understood.
You have just as much right to have a lobby here as any steel corporation. It was July, , the third year of the Depression and a few months from a presidential election.
Herbert Hoover could stop the bonus marchers but not the Depression. Millions of Americans who already saw him as helpless in the face of suffering now thought him callous toward it. He lost to Franklin Roosevelt in an election that drastically changed American government. The old credo said that the individual and his family were responsible for their own well-being.