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To browse Academia. The Protoaurignacian culture is pivotal to the debate about the timing of the arrival of modern humans in Western Europe and the demise of Neandertals. However, which group is responsible for this culture remains uncertain. We investigated dental remains associated with the Protoaurignacian. The lower deciduous incisor from Riparo Bombrini is modern human, based on its morphology.
The upper deciduous incisor from Grotta di Fumane contains ancient mitochondrial DNA of a modern human type. These teeth are the oldest human remains in an Aurignacian-related archeological context, confirming that by 41, calendar years before the present, modern humans bearing Protoaurignacian culture spread into Southern Europe. Because the last Neandertals date to 41, to 39, calendar years before the present, we suggest that the Protoaurignacian triggered the demise of Neandertals in this area.
Elisabetta Starnini. Laura Buti. Jose Manuel de la Cuetara. It is well known among biologists that brains are expensive organs that require large amounts of energy for their development, maintenance and function Mink et al. Moreover, as a large proportion of the cerebral energy budget is lost as heat, metabolic heat production is also a basic energetic feature characterizing nervous systems Bertolizio et al.
Considering that slight brain temperature variations may compromise cerebral structure and function, the ability of an organism to efficiently remove the excess of heat produced by its neural tissue seems to have played an important role in the evolutionary history of any species.