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To browse Academia. Christina H. Surekha Davies. During the Renaissance, readers of accounts about the Far East faced the problem of assessing sources from a range of periods, often produced by writers who were not eyewitnesses. This article considers the responses of mapmakers and geographers to claims about the East by analyzing expressions of belief, surprise, doubt and incredulity onmaps and in geographical works.
By considering examples from the late medieval period to the seventeenth century, it reveals important continuities to the ways in which the East, and Marco Polo, were perceived before and after sustained European contact with the Far East began.
Particular attention is paid to Fra Mauro, maker of the most extensively annotated map before the age of oceanic travel to Asia; and to Giovanni Battista Ramusio, editor of the first multi-volume travel compendium. Nunziatella Alessandrini. Following the voyage that established sea links between Europe and Asia, there was an increase in the information available about the Asian world in the form of re- ports, letters, etc.
Drawing upon the accounts of the Florentine merchant, Giovanni da Empoli [ John of Empoli], this chapter briefly traces the development of European perceptions of Asian world, as they gradually expanded beyond the purely economic to include civilizational aspects of the Other, thereby revealing a new conception of alterity. David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye.