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It's okay. We understand. We all think he's hot. My God, you're beautiful. You are completely heterosexual , you are very much attracted to individuals of the opposite sex and you certainly aren't gay. But, you know, there are some examples of the same sex whom you can't help but admire. You can appreciate good looks and a sexy body regardless of gender. If taken far enough you just might say something that sounds wrong even in context.
Indignation usually follows. This often doesn't mean anything significant regarding your overall sexual orientation, though often you are just as caught off guard as the people around you.
If done enough times as a Running Gag , writers actually planning to out a character later can use this as foreshadowing. In some of these cases, this may be caused by a Closet Key. If it's taken seriously but isn't a set up for a reveal about the character's sexuality, it can sometimes lead to If It's You, It's Okay. Nearly all Wholesome Crossdressers , and many Bifauxnen are subject to this gag at least once. Occasionally, the "victim" is given peace of mind by discovering their totally platonic really!
This is Truth in Television , with women being much more open about it. Quite frankly, if a guy were to say something like that to another, more often than not, the response would be, "What are you, gay? When straight men do profess attraction to other men, it often takes the form of Gay Bravado —the concept being that they're not really attracted to guys, they're just so straight they're not scared to pretend they are or alternatively, so comfortable with their mostly-straightness that they aren't afraid to admit to occasional "lapses".