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Developer Raven Software initially started hijacking id engines for their own nefarious purposes with Doom. You can even take that extra step and call Quake 4 more Doom-like than Doom 3 itself, which it certainly is — in true retro fashion, you traverse level after level full of vicious alien cyborgs called the Strogg, and proceed to gun them down using all manner of sci-fi weaponry.
All of it is filler, naturally. The game works within this limited spectrum, and works well it does, with frantic mayhem broken up by the occasional moment of tension or mingling with your Marine buddies onboard the USS Hannibal, the super-destroyer parked on the surface of Stroggos.
You still fight on the human side and merely have the advantage of higher speed, health and armor … yawn. Many weapons from previous Quake games make a comeback in one form or another. You get the iconic rechargeable Blaster alongside some other standard fare weaponry — the machinegun, shotgun, grenade and rocket launcher to name a few — as well as a reworked Railgun, Hyperblaster, Nailgun and Lightning Gun, all of which get periodically upgraded.
The action is decidedly arcade, but is altogether a lot faster and the enemies more disposable than those of Doom 3. On the surface the action is considerably faster than the singleplayer game, with lots of the maps being deathmatch remakes of vintage Quake levels including DM-Edge.