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After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, leaders in China and the United States had high hopes of a lasting partnership between the two countries. The first book to draw on archives from all the areas in China where US forces deployed during the s, it examines the formation, evolution, and undoing of the alliance between the United States and the Republic of China during World War II and the Chinese Civil War.
Fredman reveals how each side brought to the alliance expectations that the other side was simply unable to meet, resulting in a tormented relationship across all levels of Sino-American engagement. Entangled in larger struggles over race, gender, and nation, the US military in China transformed itself into a widely loathed occupation force: an aggressive, resentful, emasculating source of physical danger and compromised sovereignty. After Japan's surrender and the spring withdrawal of Soviet forces from Manchuria, the US occupation became the chief obstacle to consigning foreign imperialism in China irrevocably to the past.
Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek lost his country in , and the US military presence contributed to his defeat. The occupation of China also cast a long shadow, establishing patterns that have followed the US military elsewhere in Asia. Access to content on Oxford Academic is often provided through institutional subscriptions and purchases.
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