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To browse Academia. Lizandra Rivero Cruz. Current studies around this category demand a didactics to be oriented towards awareness, practice and reflection on the structural elements and mechanisms of conversation in order to achieve an optimal communicative performance in the students. However, the current methodology needs to deepen, from more critical and reflective positions, in the dynamics of the teaching-learning process, as the integration of knowledge, skills, strategies and attitudes that intervene in the conversational interactive dynamics has not been sufficiently addressed, especially in their relationship with context and intercultural exchange.
The position argued in this work is that the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of conversational competence must be based on the development of collaborative relationships and symmetry among the students in order to co-construct a common interactive discourse, marked by the use of communicative and socio-affective strategies that allow to enhance the conversational skills of FL learners.
Ignasi Vila. Lucia Osa-Melero. Isabel Alonso , Edgardo Galetti. More specifically, its main goal is to map the variety of communicative practices carried out in the FL classroom as reported by 91 experienced teachers. Data was collected as part of a larger international research project, the KIELO study, where FL educators from different countries were asked about a variety of aspects aspects of their daily teaching activity with the help of an ad hoc designed questionnaire.
Findings highlight that the most frequently reported practices in secondary education are clearly communicatively oriented and that their implementation in the FL classroom is mainly determined by teachers' self-conceptions as researchers and learners.