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Catching up with Blake Wharton. Waxahachie, TX US. What have you been up to? Blake Wharton: Oh, just been trying to keep busy. It is kind of the off season for me right now because of my injury and then because of not being outdoors. Talk a little bit about the supercross season and how it went for you and about your injury. The supercross season was going pretty well. I got a bit of a late start before supercross last year, so I felt like the more the season as it went the closer I would get to where I was wanting to be, so things were looking up.
Not tore it again, but tore it worse. So before, it was a half tear, then there it goes. So I tore my meniscus and pretty much from there I knew my knee was pretty jacked, pretty messed up, so I had to get that repaired.
But yeah, so supercross was up and down. Definitely not where I wanted it. Of course, no one wants to get hurt. But, it is what it is. So what got you into the whole supermoto thing? I know your Geico contract was obviously just for supercross and you had a rough outdoor season last year as well, so what were your plans really after supercross?