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If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. However, Gerald becomes one of Season 20's recurring antagonists who enjoys the mad thrill of trolling women and young girls on the Internet.
He was voiced by one of the show's creators, Matt Stone. The user of the account, Gerald is a member and city attorney of the City Council, who serves as the town's local lawyer. He has handled several matters throughout the show, such as getting Chef's name put forward for the album "Stinky Britches".
However, he does tend to abuse his position in power from time to time, as shown in Major Boobage when he broke a law that he just passed regarding the ownership of cats in South Park, Colorado. In Season 20's premiere "Member Berries", SkankHunt42 is the troll that has been harassing the girls of South Park Elementary on the school's message boards. This has caused the girls and Kyle to think that Eric Cartman was responsible due to his history of misogyny, sociopathic tendencies, and bigoted behavior.
However, the true culprit turns out to be no other than Kyle's dad "Gerald Broflovski", who proceeds to troll women and girls even more at the end of the episode. In the second episode "Skank Hunt", he is revealed to have harassed Heidi Turner by crudely editing a picture of her mother for his amusement, which drove Heidi into deleting her Twitter account, making the staff and students of South Park Elementary feel like she has committed suicide. The boys decide to finally take action against Cartman by destroying his electronics, but they end up crossing the line since it turns out that Cartman is not SkankHunt Gerald, in the meantime, made it to Danish headlines with his online alias after trolling a Danish website for women with breast cancer.